
Bead Soup Blog Party 6, reveal 2

Sama postaus suomeksi -täällä-

OMG! Getting a Horn of Plenty of bead soups from my swap partner, Rita from Toltec Jewels / Jewel School Friends, I was just extatic making my pieces :-)

Yes, I got two Soups, tropical and fossil. Thanks to our hostess Lori Anderson/Pretty things for pairing us! Rita is such a wonderful, warm person!

I'm showing these necklaces first and then earrings and bracelets. I have still ideas for remaining soup, but I hope you enjoy these numerous pieces today! (You can click all the photos bigger and I'm sorry we did not have sun and bright on all of these days.)

'Tropical flight'

' Tropical Garden' 

Polymer hibiscus pendant from Tina Holden, you cant't see the half of it's beauty in the photo! I gave the small brass keys some vintaj patina to match them with the colours. This tunrned out even better than I thought.

Shamballah rounds with stamped sterling links on the left. I also got those lovely genuine rubies, not treated, a great plum colour in them!

I fell in love with the Iris-toggle by Jill MacKay the first moment I saw it! And because I made the necklaces without clasp, I paired this LovelyOne with a huge Lapis slab I had just waiting, add of the bold green silk - colours of Iris in this bangle don't you think? The bangle has not left my wrist since!

For the other one I had the blue coral links made with my own 12mm beads (I got small coral rounds from Rita and they will be a necklace! She did not know I fancy the blue coral, I was lucky!) I just added the most charming hill tribe flowers from Rita and the big sterling bead for a bracelet.

That was tropical, do you still have strength for Fossil? Please, do!

I got the sunstones and the most lovely 'painting with fire' - heart and the fabulous copper toggle (Lisa Liddy). Added some czech glass beads and a wooden bead from my stash.

Do you remember this fossil pendant ( Wrapped up in Magic by Audrey Allen) from the post when I first told you about my soups?! Amazing and one of a kind, rare and rough beauty!

I repeated the swirls of the copper frame with the vintaj wire swirls around the smooth sari silk and

this silk jus happened to have the embroidered paisley pattern with the same leaf motif which is highlighted in the fossil stone dating back 30 million years! This did not really need anything more but I added one sea urchin spike there.

Now, thank you for visiting, thank you if you had time for all the photos, and hop for another blog now!
Remember to visit my friend Rita to see what she made out of these, I tell you, she made wonders!


  1. wow, i'm speachless... awesome, lovely, amazing... love them :))

  2. The most beautiful things that I`ve ever seen!!!
    You are THE ARTIST♥

  3. Wow wow wow! Love every single piece! You are amazing!

  4. I love all your pieces and the details you have given to them. The green bracelet with the iris toggle is beautiful and I love it that you paired it with green ribbon and nice deep blue focal.

  5. Anonymous11/8/12 12:52

    such amazing work and stunning colours. Love the iris bracelet and fossil necklace best

  6. OMG!!! OMG!!! That is ALL I can think about this post! Gorgeous! Lovely! Amazing! You are an Artist with a CAPITAL A!!! Love Love Love <3 Every jewelry is unique and just SCREAMS; Mags made me <3

  7. No onpas monenlaista kaunista eikä katseltava lopu kesken! Punaisen hehku jää päälimmäiseksi mieleen. Tuo risareunainen silkkinauha näyttää ihanan ylellisen runsaalta (mutta lähteekö se purkautumaan lisää?). Rannekoru on mehukas, siitä en minäkään luopuisi. Kansainvälistä mutta persoonallista tyyliä, hyvä tyttö.

    Vähän putoan kärryiltä englannin kanssa... Kyse on siis jostakin Korukopla-tyylisestä haasteesta, mutta isossa mittakaavassa? Pikku tiivistelmä suomeksi meille maalaisille olisi kiva, jos jaksat vielä.

    1. Othel, kiitos :-) Jos katsot vaikka tuolta sivupalkista otsikon 'helmikeitoksen aineksia' niin löytyy suomeksikin asiata ;-) Sinun keramiikkaa muuten lähti tämän vaihdon parilleni, saas nähdä mitä syntyy!
      Ajattelin laittaa suomeksi tämän saman heti kun kerään voimia ;-D

  8. WOW! you certainly have had a great time. They are all so beautiful, love the ruby earrings and I think the silk warrped fossil necklace is awesome. Great job.

  9. Love these. Really, really nice!

  10. Love those soup ingredients, and wowo - you certainly did them justice with your creations. They are truly beautiful!!! I love your use of fiber!!

  11. I love every piece you made specially the fossil necklace.
    In each piece you made the colours are perfect.

  12. Hengästyttävän huikeita kaikki! Onpa sulla ollut töitä paiskittavana. Olet koputellut korukaupallisen katseltavaa. Kyllä nämä katsella jaksaa, kun joku on ne jaksanut tehdäkin, plus suunnitella, koota lisävärkit, sovittaa saamiinsa tarvikkeisiin... Osaat käyttää noita risareunasilkkejä uskomattoman taitavasti. Tuo fossiilikoru on kyllä huippu! :)

  13. I couldn't say which is THE jewelry which I would like to take. These all is so beatiful.

  14. Very beautiful pieces. I love the way that you used the fiber in the designs.

  15. OMG sanon minäkin, huikean ihania kaikki:-)

  16. Ihastuksen huokaus ja takaisin katsomaan....

  17. Anonymous11/8/12 18:06

    I love how you have wrapped the wire around the sari silk. :)

  18. Upeita tuotoksi :)Varsinkin tuo fossiiliriipus koru ja tuo toinen punasävyinen kaulakoru, ihania :)

  19. Ensimmäisenä ajattelin, että huisin paljon kaikkea. Sitten keskityin katselemaan, todella upeita koruja. Nauhallinen rannekoru on mahtava, ihastuttavat värit. Samoin tuo punainen koru, siinä on niin ihanaa lämpöä ja tunnelmaa. Pidän kovasti myös tuosta sinisestä rannekorusta. Ja korvikset jotka menevät "eri-tahtiin" ovat niin sinua, luovaa, kaunista ja uniikkia. Virtuaalihaluas mahtavasta suorituksesta ♥

  20. Tropical flight is the best! Congratulations!

  21. I like these all so much :)!

  22. Voi, miten ihana korukavalkadi <3 Suosikeiksi nousivat tuolta nuo punaisävyiset korut: upeita riipuksia, hienot sävyt :))

  23. All your pieces are just wonderful! I especially like the 'fossil' with the heart!

  24. So many beautiful designs! I love all the colors! The Tropical Garden necklace and the bracelet with the iris toggle are my favorites ... so lovely!

  25. You were a busy girl. I especially love the earrings and the way you wrapped copper wire around the fibers.

  26. Anonymous11/8/12 20:46

    The tropical pieces are my favorite, but that red piece is so rich!!! Love them all!

  27. I let out an audible oooooohhhh when I saw that first necklace. The colors are so yummy. Of course, all of the jewelry you created is really beautiful, but I'm a big fan of the colors you use dint he first one. Well done!!

  28. Aivan mielettömän upeita koruja teit ja paljon! Tropical flight ja tuo punainen koru on eniten mieleen. Kyllä oli Rita myös tehnyt upeita koruja sun lähettämistä.

  29. Big sigh of appreciation of all those goodies you created. The tropical pieces are fabulous but I have to say the fossil pieces just blew me away. Stunning work!

  30. The fossil necklace is my favorite -- I love the colors, and I love that you combined the copper swirls with the sari silk. Pretty! :)

  31. gorgeous pieces, especially the green bracelet and the last necklace!

  32. I love love the use of all the silk ribbon with the wire work, I so need to learn to play like this, very nice...

  33. Love, love, love Tropical Garden! Excellent!

  34. Oh my goodness, I love every single one of your pieces! That dragonfly pendant...so modern/simple! Was that part of your soup or did you create that OUT of the soup? Gorgeous!! Your lovely Iris bangle...WOW!! I wouldn't take it off either...and the fossil pendant necklace..well done!

  35. I love that all of your pieces are so different! I love dragonflies, but the bangle is really to die for! Gosh...such a beautiful soup to work with!

  36. Wow, lots of great work. I really like the tropical flight necklace.

  37. Wow! I love all of your pieces and really can't decide which it is my favorite. Heck send them all my way and I will be sure to love and care for them.

  38. That lapis lazuli bracelet is positively divine! All of your designs came out beautifully. Great job!

  39. Oh my goodness, you are a blog hop to yourself with all this fantastic work! I can see why that bracelet hasn't left your wrist, I love those copper swirl accents, I could go on and on - lovely details

  40. Mielettömän upeita luomuksia! Näissä on niin paljon katsottavaa, että näihin pitää palata vielä useamman kerran.

  41. Fantastic soup! Can't decide which piece I like most

  42. How beautiful! I especially like the first necklace in the Fossil series!

  43. WOW you were one busy girl! Especially love that fossil necklace ~ amazing

  44. I love them all..and how fantastic that you made so many pieces from your soup.I am totally lusting after your stunning fossil necklace..it is perfect.

  45. Oh my gosh, your sheer volume of bead soup is amazing! So much fun to look through all of your designs. Love, love, Love them! Such gorgeous soup! :-)Kris

  46. Wow, beautiful every one!!

  47. lovely work. you did such a great job with your focal beads. ~diana

  48. What an amazing soup! I love how you created so many things in such different styles! The bracelet and 'Tropical Flight' necklace have to be my favorite!

  49. What an amazing collection you have created! Stunning!

  50. I love Tropical Delight with the soothing colors. And those ruby earrings are stunning. But I think my favorite is the necklace with the gorgeous heart focal and the handmade toggle clasp. Well done!

  51. What a wonderfully big, satisfying helping of soup you've made! I love the Tropical Garden necklace - the colours are so, so pretty. And I don't blame you for not taking off the Iris bangle - I wouldn't either!

  52. Hi Margareta,
    So much gorgeousness I love, love, love!

  53. Beautiful! Love the iris bangle and the fossil necklace. All are great pieces!

  54. Those are simply stunning and you have brought everything together quite nicely.

    Melissa Muir

  55. Thank you, thank you, thank you all for your lovely comments!

    -I have visited all the participants and I'll try to revisit and comment those who were not yet revealing their bsbp-jewelry... Love!

  56. WOW!!!9 pieces that's amazing. They are all outstanding & truly one of a kind. You should be very proud.

  57. Oh my!! The red heart focal necklace is my FAVORITE!! Gorgeous! And I love the sari silk one, too!! Delicious soup!

  58. Margareta,
    How wild is it that we both created 9 pieces without knowing we'd do so? Thank you for being my BSBP6 partner. You are wonderful and kind, a beautiful artist and friend, and I'm honored to be your partner! Everything you've created is so beautiful! I love how you have given each jewelry design your special "Mags" style -- that unique touch that is the art of Margareta! Your tropical jewelry is light, feminine and elegant; such uplifting art. Your fossil designs are rich and warm, thoughtful and compelling. I love it all!
    Tropical Flight: this necklace seems to tell a full, magnificent story. The dragonfly focal and the "appreciate" bead, the gorgeous Barbara Bechtel (Second Surf) watercolor clay components and bright silver create a lovely summer day, and flight across water or evening (the pearls) to tranquility.
    Tropical Garden: With the patina keys, your jewelry becomes "a secret garden" -- lovely and wild, magical. The cool little leaves between the hibiscus and the panda beads are my favorite part of the necklace! A true garden.
    The Austrian crystal Shamballa bead earrings are bright and playful; and the ruby earrings are so perfectly wrapped -- true wire art. The design is scrumptuous and cool!
    Your bracelets are both so modern and chic: the iris bracelet's beautiful fabric, pretty color wire, and lapis focal are stunning and soft, and your blue coral bracelet is luxurious. Simply lovely.
    Your copper heart necklace is so pretty -- with color, texture, and style galore! The pretty wooden charm and red czech beads compliment the soup ingrediants perfectly! As does the simple sari ribbon with incredible wire stations -- you created the most beautiful necklace for the pendant, and you complimented/ accented Audrey's wire wrap style perfectly!
    Gorgeous, gorgeous creations!
    I had a wonderful time, gracias!:) Rita

  59. What a lot of beautiful creations I especially like Tropical Flight but they are all lovely!

  60. Anonymous17/8/12 10:15

    Oh what a delicious soup! I think the blue and green bangle is wonderful and I would be wearing it all the time too! And the fossil necklace is so earthy!

  61. So such and so awesome! You did a fabulous job!

  62. Sorry I am so late, I have been having computer issues! I love them all, but...uuuhhhh... dragonflies!!! Great creations!

  63. Wow you did so much with your soup. Your designs are really stunning and I just love your use of silk...just beautiful!

  64. I love all yyour pieces,they are beautiful!
    ciao dall'Italia
